Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Taylor Swift Handed a Girl $90 Out of Her Purse to Go to Chipotle

The slightly-dotty-but-kind grandmother who inhabits the lithe, nubile body of 24-year-old Taylor Swift is up to her old tricks again. What's she gone and done now? Pulled $90 out of her pocketbook and given it to a stranger who didn't even ask for it, is all. Thanks for the money, Nana. Got any peppermints?

The resulting photo and the story of the subsequent monetary transaction was criminally underreported, except by the Gawker commenter vertical Crosstalk, which covered the events in a post the day after they transpired.
If we accept as gospel the account laid out in the tweets from the Twitter user who posted that photo, what happened next is this:
Taylor Swift displayed her usual demeanor, which is one of extravagant niceness, bestowing upon her interruptors not only a one-of-a-kind photograph of popular entertainer Taylor Swift, but also a small treat.

That treat? Ninety Washingtons. Nine Hamiltons. One Grant and two Jacksons. Eighteen Lincolns. One Franklin and you give her back $10 for change.
Why did Taylor Swift give a random woman who approached her for a photo $90?
Because that woman told Taylor Swift she was going to Chipotle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Picture Taylor Swift, teetering around Central Park in hot pink suede Louboutins, pulling cash out of her purse and handing it to strangers who don't ask for it. You're going to Chipotle? Have a soda on me. Here's $90. You want to buy a balloon? Here's eleven thousand dollars. Gonna have someone write your name on a grain of rice on the street? That's amazing. How do they get it so small? Take my debit card.
As Buzzfeed points out, $90 is enough to buy twelve burritos. Also one moment of normalcy, where you're not the global superstar whose every move is being critiqued by a horde of anonymous gawkers. You're just a normal girl pulling a handful of cash out of her cute yellow purse that is filled to the brim with nothing but loose cash and giving it to a stranger who just told you that meeting you is not even the main thing she and her friend are going to do today. You're just another New Yorker.
For more on this story, check out an upcoming issue of Rolling Stone, because Taylor was talking with a reporter from Rolling Stone when it happened. via Gawker

- The Problematic

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